Graduate Admissions — Notifications

The notification system allows users of the system to be automatically notified when important events occur.

The available notification categories are defined in the table notification_category. When a notifiable event occurs, an entry is made in the table notification_event, and corresponding entries are made in the table notification_person for each of the people who need to be notified. People who have requested notification of each individual event are immediately notified by the creation of a mail message corresponding to the notification. A cron job sends daily digest notifications.

The available ways of being notified are defined in the table notification_handling, including “Suppress” which doesn’t actually send the notification. Individual preferences concerning how to be notified are recorded in the table notification_category_preference, while overall preferences are recorded in the table notification_preference. Which categories are relevant for which access role is defined in the table notification_applicability.

The user interface allows users to configure their own notification preferences.