Source code for uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_cel_coversheets

"""Automatic printing of CEL examination cover sheets.

Python process to create cover sheets and submit print job to New Media

from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
from sys import argv
from tempfile import mkdtemp

import os.path

from uw.sql.wrap import open_psycopg2_db_service_cursor

from uw.local import termtools

from ...print_.db.nms_requisition import nms_requisition
from ...util.mail import odyssey_email
from ...outgoing.make_mail import mailout

from ..db.cursor import Cursor

from .daily_notify import message_to_course_staff

colours = {
    'C': 'white',
    'S': 'pink',
    'O': 'green',

[docs]def parse_java_output (java_output): split_lines = (line.split () for line in java_output) return dict ((key, int (value)) for key, value in split_lines)
[docs]def find_paper_colour (pagecounts): return ', '.join ('%d %s' % (pagecounts[key], colours[key]) for key in pagecounts if key != 'C')
[docs]def submit_cel_coversheets (cursor, term): java_dir = mkdtemp () print(java_dir) java_output = check_output (['java', 'ca.uwaterloo.odyssey.exams.printExamCoversheets', term.code (), java_dir]) pagecounts = parse_java_output (java_output.decode ().strip ().split ('\n')) total_pages = sum (pagecounts.values ()) # *** TODO: don't hardcode to jcrane person_id = cursor.execute_required_value ("select person_id from person_identity_complete where userid = %(userid)s", userid='jcrane') job = nms_requisition (cursor) print('job_id=%d' % job.job_id) job.set_contact (person_id) # *** TODO: set term field from term # *** TODO: check field values job.set_flexfield ('5270100100000000000065650116000') job.set_title ('CEL Examination Cover Sheets %s' % term.abbreviation ()) job.set_date_required (cursor.execute_required_value ("select (lower (term_exam_dates) - '1 day'::interval)::date from uw_term where term_id = %(term_id)s", term_id=term.code ())) job.set_end_use ('teaching') job.set_courier (person_id) job.set_copyprint ( pages=total_pages, copies=1, simplex=True, paper_bond=True, size_letter=True, paper_white=True, paper_other=find_paper_colour (pagecounts), ink_black=True, ) job.set_instructions ('\n'.join ('%s.pdf on %s' % (key, colours[key]) for key in pagecounts)) files = ['%s.pdf' % key for key in pagecounts] java_dir = Path (java_dir) for file in files: job.attach_file (file, (java_dir / file).read_bytes ()) blank_pdf_content = (java_dir / 'blank.pdf').read_bytes () # Mail blank covers to CEL staff message = mailout (cursor, odyssey_email, 'CEL Blank Examination Cover Pages', 'Please find attached the blank examination cover pages.') message.add_attachment ('application', 'pdf', None, blank_pdf_content, '%s-cel-blank-covers.pdf' % term.code ()) message_to_course_staff (cursor, message, term.code (), 20070, ['ISC']) message.add_recipient ('Cc', odyssey_email) message.done ()
[docs]def main (): term_code = argv[1] cursor = open_psycopg2_db_service_cursor (cursor_class=Cursor) submit_cel_coversheets (cursor, termtools.fromCode (term_code)) cursor.connection.commit ()