uw.local.teaching.bin package


uw.local.teaching.bin.crowdmark_create_json module



uw.local.teaching.bin.crowdmark_process_pdf module

Manual PDF processing of QR codes PDF.

Python procedure to run QR codes processing procedure by hand for an exam.


uw.local.teaching.bin.crowdmark_save_qr_codes module

Manual QR codes download and import process.

Python procedure to download the QR codes PDF associated with a specified Crowdmark callback response and save it to the appropriate examination.


uw.local.teaching.bin.crowdmark_upload_pdf module

Manual upload of PDF master to Crowdmark.

Python process to upload a given PDF file to Crowdmark manually.


uw.local.teaching.bin.daily_notify module

Automatic daily notification process.

Python process meant to run every day to notify course staff of lack of seats, inform AAS of needed information, and automatically assign seats.

uw.local.teaching.bin.daily_notify.assign_seats(cursor, exam_id, do_assign_seats)[source]
uw.local.teaching.bin.daily_notify.remind_approve(cursor, exam_id)[source]

uw.local.teaching.bin.generate_cyon module

CLI for generating Cyon input file.


uw.local.teaching.bin.main_web module

Web user interface for Instructional Support.

This is the FastCGI main program for the Web user interface to Instructional Support. It also supports use of a localhost port for development purposes.


uw.local.teaching.bin.markbox_create_assessment module


uw.local.teaching.bin.markbox_get_pdf module


uw.local.teaching.bin.markbox_send_classlist module


uw.local.teaching.bin.send_final_examination_reminder module

Termly final examination setup reminder sending process.

Implements the process to send email reminders to course staff to check that their final examination is set up correctly.

uw.local.teaching.bin.send_final_examination_reminder.notify_staff(cursor, term, exam)[source]

uw.local.teaching.bin.send_instructor_setup_reminders module

Termly course staff setup reminder sending process.

Implements the process to send email reminders to course staff to set up their courses as early as possible if they want to use the examination management system.


uw.local.teaching.bin.send_scheduling_coordinator_reminder module

Termly scheduling request reminder for course coordinators.


uw.local.teaching.bin.send_scheduling_rep_reminder module

Termly scheduling request reminder for scheduling representatives.


uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_cel_coversheets module

Automatic printing of CEL examination cover sheets.

Python process to create cover sheets and submit print job to New Media Services.

uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_cel_coversheets.submit_cel_coversheets(cursor, term)[source]

uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_exam_print module

Automatic printing of final examinations.

Python process to print examinations, either individually or an entire final examination print period at once.


uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_grade_revisions module

Automatic submission of grade revisions.

Python process to submit pending grade revisions to the Registar’s Office.


Main program to submit grade revisions.

Either –pending or –resend N must be specified. The first option submits any pending revisions while the other re-sends the information for a previous submission. Additionally, –daily may be specified, which will cause the program to do nothing if ran on a non-business day; and –versose may be specified to cause an explanation to be printed if the program decides to do nothing.

uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_posting_pads module

Automatic printing of PAC seating lookup posting pads.

Python process to print posting pads to help final examination candidates to find their seats.

uw.local.teaching.bin.submit_posting_pads.submit_posting_pads(cursor, term)[source]

uw.local.teaching.bin.ta_eval_approve_reminder module

TA evaluation approval reminder.

Python process to remind course coordinators of the need to approve their TA evaluations. Sends emails to coordinators of all offerings with evaluations that have not approved their evaluations.


Module contents

Automatic process implementations.

Modules implementing automatic processes to be invoked via cron jobs or otherwise, normally unattended.