Source code for uw.sql.sqltools

import datetime

from uw.stringtools import multiReplace

[docs]def listFields (db, table): """List the fields of the specified table in the database. The catalog must match the catalog to which the connection db is connected. """ ps = db.prepare ("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns AS c WHERE ROW (c.table_catalog, c.table_schema, c.table_name) = ROW ($1, $2, $3) ORDER BY c.ordinal_position;") ps.execute (*table) return [row [0] for row in ps]
[docs]def listPrimaryKey (db, table): """List the fields of the primary key of the given table in the database. The catalog must match the catalog to which the connection db is connected. """ ps = db.prepare ("SELECT ccu.column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc NATURAL JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS ccu WHERE tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY' AND ROW (tc.table_catalog, tc.table_schema, tc.table_name) = ROW ($1, $2, $3) ORDER BY ccu.ordinal_position;") ps.execute (*table) return [row [0] for row in ps]
[docs]def listKeyFields (db, constraint): """List, in order, the fields involved in the specified constraint. """ ps = db.prepare ("SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE ROW (constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name) = ROW ($1, $2, $3) ORDER BY ordinal_position;") ps.execute (*constraint) return [row [0] for row in ps]
[docs]def getForeignKeys (db, table): """Get information about the foreign keys of the given table. The result consists of a list of the foreign keys. Each key is represented by a tuple containing the following items: - foreign key constraint name - foreign key is deferrable - foreign key is initially deferrable - target unique constraint - match option - update rule - delete rule - target table - target constraint type (primary key or unique) - target constraint is deferrable - target constraint is initially deferrable """ ps = db.prepare ("SELECT tc.constraint_catalog, tc.constraint_schema, tc.constraint_name, tc.is_deferrable, tc.initially_deferred, rc.unique_constraint_catalog, rc.unique_constraint_schema, rc.unique_constraint_name, rc.match_option, rc.update_rule, rc.delete_rule, tc2.* FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc LEFT JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints AS rc USING (constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name) LEFT JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS tc2 ON ROW (rc.unique_constraint_catalog, rc.unique_constraint_schema, rc.unique_constraint_name) = ROW (tc2.constraint_catalog, tc2.constraint_schema, tc2.constraint_name) WHERE tc.constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY' AND (tc.table_catalog, tc.table_schema, tc.table_name) = ROW ($1, $2, $3);") ps.execute (*table) return [tuple ([row[0:3], row[3], row[4], row[5:8], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[14:17], row[17], row[18], row[19]]) for row in ps]
[docs]class SQLWriter (object): def __init__ (self, file, delim='\t', null=r'\N'): self._file = file self._delim = delim self._null = null changes = {'\b': r'\b', '\f': r'\f', '\n': r'\n', '\r': r'\r', '\t': r'\t', '\v': r'\v', '\\': r'\\'} if not delim in changes: changes[delim] = '\\' + delim self.replace = multiReplace (changes)
[docs] def escape (self, value): if value is None: return self._null elif isinstance (value, bool): return 'TRUE' if value else 'FALSE' elif isinstance (value, or isinstance (value, datetime.time): return value.isoformat () else: return self.replace (unicode (value).encode ('utf-8'))
[docs] def write (self, values): self._file.write (self._delim.join ([self.escape (value) for value in values]) + '\n')
[docs] def openUploadFiles (dir, tables, **kwargs): """Open files corresponding to a list of table names for SQL upload. Each entry in tables is interpreted as a table name, and a file of that name is opened in directory dir. The result is a dictionary from table/file name to a sqltools.SQLWriter for that table. """ result = {} for table in tables: result[table] = SQLWriter (open ("%s/%s" % (dir, table), 'w'), **kwargs) return result