Source code for uw.local.teaching.db.exam_import_times

"""Process to import examination times.

Defines a parser for the examination time upload file generated by Cyon, and
a procedure to process the time and duration updates.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from uw.stringtools import split_upload_text, parse_tabular_file

from uw.sql.wrap import ConnectionPool, open_psycopg2_db_service_connection

from uw.web.html.format import format_datetime

from uw.local import termtools

from ..webui.ui import format_duration

from .cursor import Cursor

[docs]def parse_date (value): return datetime.strptime (value, '%m/%d/%Y').date ()
[docs]def parse_time (value): return datetime.strptime (value, '%H:%M').time ()
[docs]def parse_duration (value): value = int (value) if value == 60: return None else: return timedelta (seconds=value)
columns = [ ('Host Key', 'exam_id', int), ('Exam Start Date', 'exam_date', parse_date), ('Exam Start Time', 'exam_time', parse_time), ('Duration', 'duration', parse_duration), ]
[docs]def parse_exam_times_upload (contents): grid = split_upload_text (contents) return parse_tabular_file (columns, grid, 1, 'line')
[docs]def process_exam_times_upload (cursor, term, rows): """Process Cyon output lines. :param cursor: DB connection cursor. :param term: Object representing a UW term. :param list rows: The update requests parsed from the input file. Each row is a namedtuple consisting of (exam_id, exam_date, exam_time, duration) produced by parsing the Cyon output file. Each row should correspond to a single examination, which will have its start time and duration updated accordingly. """ warnings = [] for r in rows: e = cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select primary_start_time, exam_duration, exam_exam_full_title (exam_id) as exam_title from exam_exam where (term_id, exam_id) = (%(term_id)s, %(exam_id)s)", term_id=term.code (), exam_id=r.exam_id) if e is None: warnings.append ((r.line, 'No exam found with exam_id %d' % r.exam_id)) continue if r.exam_date is None != r.exam_time is None: warnings.append ((r.line, 'Only one of start date/time found')) continue if r.exam_date is not None: start_time = datetime.combine (r.exam_date, r.exam_time) if start_time != e.primary_start_time: if e.primary_start_time is not None: warnings.append ((r.line, 'Updated start time for exam_id %d (%s) from %s to %s' % (r.exam_id, e.exam_title, format_datetime (e.primary_start_time), format_datetime (start_time)))) cursor.execute_optional_value ("select exam_update_primary_sitting (exam_id, exam_require_exam_sitting (exam_id, schedule_admin_id, %(start_time)s)) from exam_exam where exam_id = %(exam_id)s", start_time=start_time, exam_id=r.exam_id) if r.duration is not None: if r.duration != e.exam_duration: if e.exam_duration is not None: warnings.append ((r.line, 'Updated duration for exam_id %d (%s) from %s to %s' % (r.exam_id, e.exam_title, format_duration (e.exam_duration), format_duration (r.duration)))) cursor.execute_none ("update exam_exam set exam_duration = %(exam_duration)s where exam_id = %(exam_id)s", exam_duration=r.duration, exam_id=r.exam_id) return warnings