"""Examination aids editing objects.
Classes for editing the permitted aids for an examination. This exists
because formerly there was another editor for editing the default permitted
aids for an admin unit. The implementation here shared code between the two
editors. If it were re-implemented from scratch all of this would live in
from operator import attrgetter
from ll.xist.ns import html
from uw.web.html.form import render_checkbox, render_select
from uw.web.html.format import make_table_format, format_email
[docs]def strip_prefix (str, prefix):
if str.startswith (prefix):
return str[len (prefix):]
return None
[docs]def get_aid_classes (cursor):
return dict ((c.aid_class_code, c)
for c in cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from exam_aid_class"))
[docs]class AidsEditor (object):
def __init__ (self, cursor):
super (AidsEditor, self).__init__ ()
self.__cursor = cursor
def cursor (self):
return self.__cursor
[docs] def render_aids (self, classes=None):
if classes is None:
classes = get_aid_classes (self.cursor)
result = []
openbook = self.openbook
if openbook is None:
return None
elif openbook:
aids = None
class_code = 'O'
aids = self.aids
class_code = 'S' if aids else 'C'
result.append (html.p (html.b (classes[class_code].aid_class_title)))
result.append (html.p ('Candidates may bring ', classes[class_code].aid_class_description, '.'))
if aids:
ul = html.ul ()
for aid in aids:
ul.append (html.li (aid.exam_exam_aid_format))
result.append (ul)
instructions = self.instructions
if instructions is not None:
result.append (html.p (instructions))
return result
[docs] def handle_post (self, form):
openbook = "openbook" in form
notes = form.required_field_value ("notes").strip () or None
if openbook:
# Remove permitted aids
self.delete_aids ()
# Remove permitted aids that are to be deleted
for code in filter (None, (strip_prefix (name, "delete-") for name in form)):
self.delete_aid (code)
# Add new permitted aid if specified
add_code = form.optional_field_value ("add-code") or None
if add_code is not None:
aid_notes = form.optional_field_value ("add-notes")
if aid_notes is not None:
aid_notes = aid_notes.strip () or None
self.insert_aid (add_code, aid_notes)
self.update_aids (openbook, notes)
[docs]class ExamAidsEditor (AidsEditor):
def __init__ (self, cursor, exam):
super (ExamAidsEditor, self).__init__ (cursor)
self.__exam = exam
def exam (self):
return self.__exam
def openbook (self):
return self.exam.exam_openbook
def aids (self):
return self.cursor.exam_aids (exam_id=self.exam.exam_id)
def instructions (self):
return self.exam.exam_instructions
[docs] def delete_aids (self):
self.cursor.execute_none ("delete from exam_exam_aid where exam_id=%(exam_id)s", exam_id=self.exam.exam_id)
[docs] def delete_aid (self, code):
self.cursor.execute_none ("delete from exam_exam_aid where (exam_id, aid_type_code) = (%(exam_id)s, %(code)s)", exam_id=self.exam.exam_id, code=code)
[docs] def insert_aid (self, add_code, aid_notes):
self.cursor.execute_none ("insert into exam_exam_aid values (%(exam_id)s, %(aid_type_code)s, %(aid_notes)s)", exam_id=self.exam.exam_id, aid_type_code=add_code, aid_notes=aid_notes)
[docs] def update_aids (self, openbook, notes):
self.cursor.execute_none ("update exam_exam set exam_openbook=%(openbook)s, exam_instructions=%(notes)s where exam_id=%(exam_id)s", exam_id=self.exam.exam_id, openbook=openbook, notes=notes)