Source code for uw.local.print_.db.nms_requisition

[docs]class nms_requisition (object): def __init__ (self, cursor, job_id=None): """Create a New Media Services requisition. Parameters: cursor -- the database connection cursor; job_id -- the Job ID of an existing job to edit that job, or omit (or None) to create a new job. This is not the NMS requisition number; that is assigned when the job is submitted to NMS. """ self.__cursor = cursor if job_id is None: self.__job_id = cursor.callproc_required_value ("nms_create_job") else: self.__job_id = job_id @property def cursor (self): return self.__cursor @property def job_id (self): return self.__job_id
[docs] def set_value (self, field_code, field_value): """Set a requisition field value. Parameters: field_code -- the HTML form element ID; field_value -- the value to send in the Graphics requisition. """ self.cursor.callproc_none ("nms_job_set_value", self.job_id, field_code, field_value)
[docs] def set_value_choice (self, field_code, allowed_values, error_message, given_value): """Set a requisition field value to one of a set of allowed values. Parameters: field_code -- the HTML form element ID; allowed_values -- the set of allowed values; error_message -- error message to include if given value not allowed; given_value -- the value to send in the Graphics requisition. Intended for use by other more specific field-setting methods. """ if given_value is not None: if given_value not in allowed_values: raise ValueError ('%s: %s' % (error_message, given_value)) self.set_value (field_code, given_value)
# *** TODO: improve and move to Identity
[docs] def person_details (self, person_id): return self.cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select we.campus_email as email, we.givennames || ' ' || we.surname as name, (select string_agg (dept_name, '/') from watiam_dept_name where pdbid = we.pdbid) as dept, (select string_agg (office, '/') from watiam_office where pdbid = we.pdbid) as address, (select string_agg (phone, '/') from watiam_phone where pdbid = we.pdbid) as phone from watiam_entry we join person_identity_complete pic on (we.pdbid = pic.pdbid::integer) where person_id = %(person_id)s", person_id=person_id)
[docs] def set_contact (self, person_id): """Set the contact information for this requisition. This sets the "Contact name", "Department/organization", "Address/room no.", and "Phone" fields on the requisition to the values found in WatIAM for the specified person. It does not set the "Fax" field because fax numbers are not in WatIAM. It does not set the "E-mail" field because that is used by NMS to send back the PDF requisition so this is hard-coded to the standard response address by the requisition submitting procedure. **TODO: should prune depts, rooms, phones of duplicates** **TODO: show phone numbers just as extensions e.g. x31234** """ contact = self.person_details (person_id) self.set_value ('contactname', self.set_value ('customer', contact.dept) self.set_value ('address', contact.address) self.set_value ('phone',
# *** TODO: validate against ^[0-9]{31}$
[docs] def set_flexfield (self, flexfield): """Set the accounting flexfield to charge for this requisition. Parameters: flexfield -- the 31-digit UW accounting flexfield. """ self.set_value ('paytype', 'uwaccount') self.set_value ('flexfield', flexfield)
[docs] def set_title (self, title): """Set the job title for this requisition. Parameters: title -- the title to use on the requisition. """ self.set_value ('jobtitle', title)
[docs] def set_date_required (self, required): """Set the date required for this requisition. Parameters: required -- the date the resulting print job is required to be done. """ self.set_value ('date', required.strftime ('%b %d, %Y'))
[docs] def set_end_use (self, use): """Set the end use for this requisition. Parameters: use -- The end use, one of 'administration', 'research', 'resale', 'teaching', or 'educational'. """ self.set_value_choice ('enduse', ['administration', 'research', 'resale', 'teaching', 'educational'], 'Invalid end use', use)
# *** TODO: support electronic submission (esub, filename)?
[docs] def set_shipping (self, ship_type, ship_to): """Set the shipping choice for this requisition. Parameters: ship_type -- the shipping type, one of 'call', 'emailwhendone', 'email', or 'uwmail'. ship_to -- the text to fill in on the requisition for shipping destination. """ self.set_value_choice ('shiptype', ['call', 'emailwhendone', 'email', 'uwmail'], 'Invalid shipping type', ship_type) self.set_value ('shipaddress', ship_to)
[docs] def set_courier (self, person_id): """Set the shipping for this requisition for delivery to a person. Parameters: person_id -- the Person ID of the person who should take delivery. This invokes set_shipping with appropriate values to request delivery to the indicated person according to their office location according to WatIAM. """ contact = self.person_details (person_id)._asdict () self.set_shipping ('call', 'Please courier to %(name)s in %(address)s\n(%(email)s, %(phone)s)' % contact)
# *** TODO: support non-bond paper types
[docs] def set_copyprint (self, pages=None, copies=None, simplex=False, duplex=False, paper_bond=False, size_letter=False, size_legal=False, size_ledger=False, size_other=None, paper_white=False, paper_other=None, ink_black=False, ink_colour=False, ink_pantone=None ): self.set_value ('copyprint', 'yes') # Job size if pages is not None: self.set_value ('pages', '%d' % pages) if copies is not None: self.set_value ('copies', '%d' % copies) # Plexing if simplex: if duplex: self.set_value ('sides', 'mixed') else: self.set_value ('sides', 'single') elif duplex: self.set_value ('sides', 'double') # Paper types if paper_bond: self.set_value ('stock_bond', 'yes') # Paper sizes if size_letter: self.set_value ('papersize_letter', 'yes') if size_legal: self.set_value ('papersize_legal', 'yes') if size_ledger: self.set_value ('papersize_tabloid', 'yes') if size_other is not None: self.set_value ('papersize_other', 'yes') self.set_value ('otherpapersize', size_other) # Paper colours if paper_white: self.set_value ('papercolour_white', 'yes') if paper_other is not None: self.set_value ('papercolour_other', 'yes') self.set_value ('otherpapercolour', paper_other) # Ink colours if ink_black: self.set_value ('inkcolour_black', 'yes') if ink_colour: self.set_value ('inkcolour_full', 'yes') if ink_pantone is not None: self.set_value ('inkcolour_other', 'yes') self.set_value ('otherinkcolour', ink_pantone)
[docs] def set_binding (self, stapling='none', padding=False ): self.set_value ('bindfinish', 'yes') # *** TODO: support binding self.set_value ('bindingtype', 'none') self.set_value_choice ('staplingtype', ['none', 'corner', 'book', 'saddle'], 'Invalid stapling type', stapling) # *** TODO: support folding self.set_value ('foldingtype', 'none') # *** TODO: support punching, collating, laminating, scoring, numbering if padding: self.set_value ('padding', 'yes')
# *** TODO: support cutting # *** TODO: support posting printing/scanning # *** TODO: support graphic/multimedia # *** TODO: support digital archiving # *** TODO: support CD/DVD duplicating
[docs] def set_instructions (self, instructions): self.set_value ('specialinstructions', 'yes') self.set_value ('instructions', instructions)
[docs] def attach_file (self, file_code, file_contents): """Attach a file to be submitted with the requisition. """ self.cursor.callproc_none ("nms_job_attach_file", self.job_id, file_code, bytearray (file_contents))
[docs] def cancel (self): """Cancel the requisition. """ self.cursor.callproc_none ("nms_job_cancel", self.job_id)
[docs] def ready (self): """Mark the requisition as ready to be submitted to New Media Services. """ self.cursor.callproc_none ("nms_job_ready", self.job_id)