Source code for uw.local.print_.db.cursor

"""Cursor class for Print.

Inherits from the usual cursor class with added methods for commonly-needed

from uw.local.dbtools import Cursor
from uw.sql.dbapi import *

[docs]class Cursor (Cursor): all_requisitions = make_execute_tuples ("select * from nms_requisition_received_plus order by requisition_num desc") requisition_by_num = make_execute_optional_tuple ("select * from nms_requisition_received_plus where requisition_num = %(requisition_num)s") all_jobs = make_execute_tuples ("select * from nms_requisition_plus order by job_id desc") job_by_id = make_execute_optional_tuple ("select * from nms_requisition_plus where job_id = %(job_id)s") orgunit_jobs = make_execute_tuples ("select * from nms_requisition_plus where requisition_orgunit = %(orgunit)s order by job_id desc") file_query = "select job_id, file_code, file_contents, requisition_num, requisition_title from nms_requisition_file natural join nms_requisition_plus where %s" files_by_job = make_execute_tuples (file_query % "job_id = %(job_id)s") file_by_ids = make_execute_optional_tuple (file_query % "(job_id, file_code) = (%(job_id)s, %(file_code)s)") check_perm_admin = make_execute_optional_value ("select is_admin from auth_user where person_id = %(person_id)s") check_perm_orgunit = make_execute_required_value ("select exists (select * from auth_user_orgunit where (person_id, orgunit) = (%(person_id)s, %(orgunit)s))") list_user_orgunits = make_execute_values ("select orgunit from auth_user_orgunit where person_id = %(person_id)s order by orgunit")