Source code for uw.local.grad.webui.view_edit

"""Application dispay edit page implementation.

WSGI handler and routines for formatting the edit page.

from itertools import takewhile

from ll.xist.ns import html

from uw.web.html.form import render_select, parse_date_2, render_form_value_hidden, render_hidden
from uw.web.html.bootstrapform import render_bootstrap_submit, parse_bootstrap_date
from uw.web.wsgi import status
from uw.web.wsgi.form import use_form_param
from uw.web.wsgi.function import return_html

from uw.local import termtools
from uw.local.util.format import format_person

from ...util.identity import use_remote_identity

from ..db.status import render_state_change_override_form, change_state, reason_gso_mapping

from .view_render import render_page

[docs]def render_edit (unitapp, remote_identity, roles): """Render application editing form as HTML. :param unitapp: the candidate application. :param remote_identity: the user's remote identity. :param roles: the set of roles possessed by the user. For use with :func:`uw.local.grad.webui.view_render.render_page`. """ is_director = 'DIR' in roles result = [] faculty_info = unitapp.get_faculty_information (remote_identity.person_id) result.append (html.h2 ('Rating')) if unitapp.rating is None: rating = None else: rating = unitapp.rating.rating_code result.append (html.form ( 'Rate application as: ', render_select ("!rating", unitapp.cursor.execute_tuples ("select rating_code, rating_code as rating_code_display from work_application_rating_code where active order by rating_sequence"), rating, blank=True, class_="form-control input-inline vertical-align"), ' ', render_bootstrap_submit ("Rate!"), action="", method="post" )) result.append (html.h2 ('Requested Supervisor')) result.append (html.table ( ( ('Requested Supervisor by Applicant:'), (", ".join (unitapp.requested_supervisor) ) ))) request_table = [] for supervisor in faculty_info['requested_supervisor']: request_table.append ( ( (unitapp.cursor, supervisor.person_id)), html.form ( (value=supervisor.person_id, name="!remove_request"), html.input (type="submit", value="Remove!")), action="", method="post"))) result.append (html.p ('Currently Requesting:')) result.append (html.table (request_table)) result.append ( html.form (html.p ( 'This application requested supervisor: ', render_select ('!request', faculty_info['faculty_members'], class_="form-control input-inline vertical-align"), ' ', render_bootstrap_submit ("Request!") ), action="", method="post") ) result.append (html.h2 ('Override State Change')) result.append (render_state_change_override_form (unitapp.cursor, form_class="override", select_class="form-control input-inline vertical-align")) if is_director or 'IQC' in roles: result.append (html.h2 ('Research Interest Areas')) result.append ( html.form ( html.p ( [ html.label ( html.input (type="checkbox", name=area.faculty_interest_area, checked=area.checked), ' ', area.faculty_interest_description ), () ] for area in unitapp.research_areas ), html.p (render_bootstrap_submit ("Update!", name="!areas") ), action="", method="post" ) ) return 'edit', result
@return_html def view_edit_get_handler (cursor, unitapp, remote_identity, roles): """Application editing form GET URL handler. """ return render_page (unitapp, roles, render_edit, remote_identity=remote_identity) @use_remote_identity @use_form_param @return_html def view_edit_post_handler (cursor, unitapp, remote_identity, form, roles): """Application editing form POST URL handler. This implements the following actions: - defer the application to a different term - adjust the research interest areas associated with the application - update the status of the application - attach a rating to the application - upload a compilation document PDF """ if not roles & set (['ADC', 'DIR']): raise status.HTTPForbidden () if '!areas' in form: vars = unitapp.vars vars['group_code'] = unitapp.group_code vars['unit_code'] = unitapp.unit_code for area in unitapp.research_areas: old = area.checked is not None new = area.faculty_interest_area in form vars['area'] = area.faculty_interest_area if old and not new: # Remove interest area cursor.execute_none ("delete from work_application_interest where (uw_id, appl_id, group_code, unit_code, faculty_interest_area) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(group_code)s, %(unit_code)s, %(area)s)", **vars) elif not old and new: # Add interest area cursor.execute_none ("insert into work_application_interest values (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(group_code)s, %(unit_code)s, %(area)s)", **vars) elif '!status' in form: # Update application status is_override = "override" in form new_state_code = form.required_field_value ("!status") new_state_info = cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select * from work_application_status_code where status_code = %(code)s", code=new_state_code) if new_state_info is None: return ('Invalid State', html.p ('There is no state “%s”. Please go back and try again.' % new_state_code)) if new_state_info.status_default_deadline is None: deadline = None else: if new_state_info.fixed_deadline and not is_override: deadline = cursor.execute_required_value("select new_deadline from work_application_status_change WHERE (uw_id, appl_id, new_status_code) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(code)s)", code=new_state_code, **unitapp.vars) else: deadline = parse_bootstrap_date (form, "date") reason_code = form.optional_field_value ("reason") reason_info = cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select program_reason_code, program_reason_description from uw_program_reason where (program_action_code, program_reason_code) = (%(action_code)s, %(reason_code)s)", action_code=reason_gso_mapping.get (new_state_code), reason_code=reason_code) has_date = "date" in form if "confirmed" in form: change_state (unitapp, remote_identity, new_state_code, deadline, override=is_override, reason_code=reason_code) else: return ('Confirm Status Change', html.form ( render_form_value_hidden (form, "override") if is_override else None, render_form_value_hidden (form, "reason") if reason_code else None, render_form_value_hidden (form, "!status"), render_form_value_hidden (form, "statusdesc"), render_form_value_hidden (form, "date") if has_date else None, html.p (), html.table ( ( ('Applicant Name:'), (unitapp.applicant.first_name, ' ', unitapp.applicant.last_name) ), ( ('Applicant UW ID:'), (unitapp.uw_id) ), ( ('Current State:'), (unitapp.statusdesc) ), ( ('New State:'), (html.b (new_state_info.status_description)) ), ( ('Deadline:'), (html.b (deadline.isoformat ())) ) if deadline else None, ( ('Reason:'), ('%(program_reason_description)s (%(program_reason_code)s)' % reason_info._asdict ()) ) if reason_info else None, ), html.p ('Please check that the above details are correct before proceeding. The appropriate notifications to faculty members and/or other interested parties will be sent immediately upon the state being changed. If the above is not correct please use the “Back” button to return to the previous screen.'), html.p ( html.input (type="hidden", name="confirmed", value=""), render_bootstrap_submit ("Change Status!") ), action="", method="post" ) ) elif '!rating' in form: rating = form.required_field_value ("!rating") if len (rating) == 0: # empty string / blank option rating = None # TODO: note current user in work_application_rating record cursor.execute_none ("insert into work_application_rating (uw_id, appl_id, rater_person_id, rating_code) values (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(person_id)s, %(rating_code)s)", rating_code=rating, person_id=remote_identity.person_id, **unitapp.vars) elif '!request' in form: requested_person_id = form.required_field_value ("!request") cursor.execute_none ("insert into work_application_request (uw_id, appl_id, requested_person_id) values (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(requested_person_id)s)", requested_person_id=requested_person_id, **unitapp.vars) elif '!remove_request' in form: requested_person_id = form.required_field_value ("!remove_request") cursor.execute_none ("delete from work_application_request where (uw_id, appl_id, requested_person_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(requested_person_id)s)", requested_person_id=requested_person_id, **unitapp.vars) elif '!compilation' in form: pdf = form.required_field_value ("compilation") cursor.callproc_none ("work_application_update_compilation", unitapp.uw_id, unitapp.appl_id, pdf, remote_identity.person_id) elif 'remove_compilation' in form: if "confirm_removal" in form: cursor.execute_none ("delete from work_application_compilation_document where (uw_id, appl_id)=(%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s)", uw_id=unitapp.uw_id, appl_id=unitapp.appl_id) else: return (unitapp.title, html.form ( render_hidden ("remove_compilation", ""), render_hidden ("confirm_removal", ""), html.p ('This action will delete the current compilation document. Are you sure you would like to continue?'), html.p ( render_bootstrap_submit ("Yes") ), method="post", action="" ) ) raise status.HTTPFound (".")