Source code for uw.local.grad.webui.view_accept

"""Application display accept page implementation.

WSGI handler and routines for formatting the accept page.

from ll.xist.ns import html

from uw.web.html.form import render_select
from uw.web.html.bootstrapform import render_bootstrap_submit
from uw.web.wsgi import status
from uw.web.wsgi.form import use_form_param
from uw.web.wsgi.function import return_html

from ...util.identity import use_remote_identity

from ..db.status import change_state
from ..db.unitapp import levels

from .view_render import render_page

[docs]def make_level_select (cursor, name, level_code=None): """Render an HTML form input for choosing a level code. Return an HTML <select> for choosing a plan level. """ return render_select (name, sorted (levels.items ()), level_code)
[docs]def render_accept (unitapp, remote_identity, roles, level_code=None, willfund=False, scholarship=False, fundinghelp=False, **params): """Render the acceptance form as HTML. :param unitapp: the candidate application. :param remote_identity: the user's remote identity. :param roles: the set of roles possessed by the user. :param level_code: the prefilled level code to include in the form. :param willfund: whether the willfund box should be checked on the form. :param scholarship: whether the scholarship box should be checked on the form. :param fundinghelp: whether the fundinghelp box should be checked on the form. For use with :func:`uw.local.grad.webui.view_render.render_page`; also called from the corresponding form POST handler to allow correction of errors. """ if unitapp.group_code == 'ENG': link_special = html.p ( html.b ('Note:'), ' In addition to filling out this form, you must fill out the ', html.a ('FOE Accept a Grad Student Form', href=""), ' in order to accept a graduate student. Acceptances cannot be processed until they have been submitted using that form.' ) else: link_special = None if level_code is None: level_code = unitapp.level_code () return 'accept', [ html.h2 ('Accept Applicant for Admission'), link_special, html.form ( html.p ('I wish to accept this applicant as a ', make_level_select (unitapp.cursor, "level", level_code), ' student.' ), html.p ( html.label ( html.input (type="radio", name="accept", value="af", checked=(willfund and not fundinghelp) or None), ' I am willing to supervise and fund this applicant.' ) ), html.p ( html.label ( html.input (type="radio", name="accept", value="ah", checked=(willfund and fundinghelp) or None), ' I am willing to supervise this applicant and will need assistance with funding.' ) ), html.p ( html.label ( html.input (type="checkbox", name="scholarship", checked=scholarship or None), ' This is a truly exceptional applicant who deserves additional scholarship funding beyond RA and TA funds.' ) ), html.p ( render_bootstrap_submit ("Accept Applicant!", name="!accept") ), action="", method="post" ) ]
[docs]def render_waitlist (unitapp, remote_identity, roles, waitlist=False): """Render the waitlisting form as HTML. :param unitapp: the candidate application. :param remote_identity: the user's remote identity. :param roles: the set of roles possessed by the user. :param bool waitlist: whether the confirmation checkbox should be checked. For use with :func:`uw.local.grad.webui.view_render.render_page`; also called from the corresponding form POST handler to allow correction of errors. """ return 'waitlist', [ html.h2 ('Waitlist Applicant for Admission'), html.form ( html.p ( html.label ( html.input (type="checkbox", name="waitlist", checked=waitlist or None), 'By waitlisting the applicant, I understand that the Associate Director of Graduate Studies will be informed of my interest and will not accept or reject the applicant without consulting me.' ) ), html.p ( render_bootstrap_submit ("Waitlist Applicant!", name="!waitlist") ), action=".", method="post" ) ]
@use_form_param @return_html def view_accept_get_handler (cursor, unitapp, remote_identity, roles, form): """Application waitlist and acceptance GET URL handler. """ if "waitlist" in form: return render_page (unitapp, roles, render_waitlist, remote_identity=remote_identity) else: return render_page (unitapp, roles, render_accept, remote_identity=remote_identity) @use_remote_identity @use_form_param @return_html def view_accept_post_handler (cursor, unitapp, remote_identity, form, roles): """Application waitlist and acceptance POST URL handler. """ level_code = form.optional_field_value ('level') or None accept = form.optional_field_value ('accept') willfund = accept in ['af', 'ah'] exceptional_scholarship = 'scholarship' in form funding_help = accept in ['ah'] waitlist = 'waitlist' in form if "!waitlist" in form: if not unitapp.faculty_can_waitlist: # Application is not available for waitlisting return 'Error: Cannot Waitlist Applicant', [ html.p ('This application is not available for waitlisting.') ] if waitlist: # Waitlist the applicant unitapp.set_faculty_opinion (remote_identity.person_id, 'WTL') raise status.HTTPFound ("../") else: # Confirmation not given subpage, subpage_body = render_waitlist (unitapp, remote_identity, roles, waitlist) return 'Error: Cannot Waitlist Applicant', [ html.p ('Please tick to confirm that you wish to waitlist this applicant.'), subpage_body ] else: if not unitapp.faculty_can_accept (unitapp.get_faculty_information (remote_identity.person_id)['view_state'].view_state): # Application is not being circulated return 'Error: Cannot Accept Applicant', [ html.p ('This application is not currently being circulated.') ] if not willfund: error = 'Please tick to indicate your willingness to supervise this applicant.' elif not level_code: error = 'Please specify the level at which you would like to accept the applicant.' else: error = None if error is None: # Accept the applicant cursor.execute_none ("insert into work_application_faculty_acceptance (uw_id, appl_id, faculty_person_id, level_code, exceptional_scholarship, funding_help) values (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(faculty_person_id)s, %(level_code)s, %(exceptional_scholarship)s, %(funding_help)s)", faculty_person_id=remote_identity.person_id, level_code=level_code, exceptional_scholarship=exceptional_scholarship, funding_help=funding_help, **unitapp.vars) raise status.HTTPFound ("../") else: # Report error subpage, subpage_body = render_accept (unitapp, remote_identity, roles, level_code, willfund, exceptional_scholarship, funding_help) return 'Error: Cannot Accept Applicant', [ html.p (error), subpage_body ]