Source code for uw.local.grad.webui.list

"""Application list UI implementation.

This implements the main application list page.

from datetime import date, timedelta

from ll.xist.ns import html

from uw.web.html.form import render_select, render_checkbox, render_multi_select
from uw.web.wsgi.form import use_form_param
from uw.web.html.bootstrapform import render_bootstrap_form_row, render_bootstrap_form, render_bootstrap_submit
from uw.web.wsgi.function import return_html

from uw.local import termtools

from ...util.identity import use_remote_identity

from ..db.bulk_unitapp import bulk_app_loader

from .list_render import make_application_link_column, application_list_columns, render_sort_table

[docs]def get_distinct_inst_country_codes (cursor, staff_person_id, termcode): """Returns a list of distinct institution country codes and names for the given termcode like : (('CAN', 'Canada') ...) """ return cursor.execute_tuples ("select country_code, format('%%s (%%s)', country_name, count(country_code)) AS desc from (select distinct on (uw_id, appl_id, country_code) uw_id, appl_id, country_code, country_name from work_application_staff_lookup join adm_std_academic using (uw_id) join uw_ext_org using (ext_org_id) join uw_country using (country_code) WHERE (admit_term_id, staff_person_id) = (%(termcode)s, %(staff_person_id)s)) t GROUP BY country_code, country_name ORDER BY country_name ASC", termcode=termcode, staff_person_id=staff_person_id)
[docs]def get_distinct_status_codes (cursor, staff_person_id, termcode): """Returns a list of distinct status codes for the given termcode like : (('REJ', 'Denied') ...) """ return cursor.execute_tuples ("select status_code, format('%%s (%%s)', status_description, count(status_code)) AS desc FROM (select distinct on (uw_id, appl_id, status_code, eff_time) status_code, status_description FROM work_application_staff_lookup JOIN work_application_status_current USING (uw_id, appl_id) join work_application_status_code using (status_code) WHERE (admit_term_id, staff_person_id) = (%(termcode)s, %(staff_person_id)s) ORDER BY eff_time DESC) t GROUP BY status_code, status_description", termcode = termcode, staff_person_id=staff_person_id)
[docs]def get_distinct_plans_codes (cursor, staff_person_id, termcode): """Returns a list of distinct plan codes for the given termcode like : (('CSM', 'Computer Science') ...) """ return cursor.execute_tuples ("select plan_code, format('%%s (%%s, %%s)', plan_transcript_description, plan_code, count(plan_code)) as desc from (select uw_id, appl_id, plan_code from work_application_staff_lookup wasl left join adm_appl_program using (uw_id, appl_id, program_order) left join adm_appl_plan using (uw_id, appl_id, program_order, program_as_of, program_sequence) where plan_code is not null and (wasl.admit_term_id, staff_person_id) = (%(termcode)s, %(staff_person_id)s)) t natural join pps_plan group by plan_code, plan_transcript_description order by plan_code", termcode=termcode, staff_person_id=staff_person_id)
[docs]def get_distinct_inst_ids(cursor, staff_person_id, termcode, inst, instcoun, limit = None): """Returns a list of distinct insitution names matching either an institution string or institution country code. :param cursor: database cursor :param inst: institution string :param instcoun: institution country code (e.g. 'CAN') :param limit: Integer or None, the number of results to show, at maximum. """ limit_str = "" if limit is None else " LIMIT {}".format (limit) instswhere = "" if inst: inst = '%' + inst.replace ("%", r"\%").replace ('*', '%') + '%' instswhere += " and ext_org_name ilike %(inst)s" if instcoun: instswhere += " and country_code=%(instcoun)s" insts = cursor.execute_tuples ("select distinct on (ext_org_id) ext_org_id, ext_org_name from adm_std_academic join work_application_staff_lookup USING (uw_id) JOIN uw_ext_org USING (ext_org_id) where (admit_term_id, staff_person_id) = (%(termcode)s, %(staff_person_id)s){}{}".format(instswhere, limit_str), termcode = termcode, staff_person_id=staff_person_id, inst=inst, instcoun=instcoun) return insts
[docs]def render_term_select (cursor, name, staff_person_id, default_term=None, class_=None): """Render a term selection input element. :param cursor: DB connection cursor. :param name: the form control name. :param staff_person_id: the person whose terms should be included. :param default_term: the default term, or None to pick a default based on today's date. :param class_: A css class to be applied to the select element Generates an HTML <select> for selecting terms. The relevant terms to be included are obtained by looking in the database to see which terms have applications to which the person has access. """ terms = (termtools.fromCode (t) for t in cursor.execute_values ("select distinct admit_term_id from work_application_staff_lookup as wa where staff_person_id=%(staff_person_id)s order by admit_term_id desc", staff_person_id=staff_person_id)) if default_term is None: default_term = termtools.fromDate ( () + timedelta (days=9*30)) return termtools.render_term_select (name, terms, default_term, class_=class_)
[docs]def render_status_select (cursor, name, status=None, all=False, staff_person_id=False, termcode=False, class_=None): """Render a status selection input element. :param cursor: DB connection cursor. :param name: the form control name. :param staff_person_id: the person whose terms should be included. Expected alongside termcode. :param termcode: a term code if the statuses should be limited to those available :param status: the current status, or None. :param all: whether the "OLD" status should be included (will be ignored if termcode is specified) :param class_: A css class to be applied to the select element Returns an HTML <select> for selecting status values. """ if termcode and staff_person_id: status_codes = get_distinct_status_codes (cursor, staff_person_id, termcode) else: where = "true" if all else "status_code <> 'OLD'" status_codes = cursor.execute_tuples ("select status_code, status_description from work_application_status_code where %s order by status_sequence" % where) return render_select (name, status_codes, status, blank=True, class_=class_)
[docs]def render_request_select (cursor, name, default_staff=None, class_=None): """Render a requested supervisor selection input element. :param cursor: DB connection cursor. :param name: the form control name. :param default_staff: the default staff or None. :param class_: A css class to be applied to the select element Returns an HTML <select> for selecting requested supervisor values. """ faculty_members = ((f.person_id, for f in cursor.execute_tuples ("select distinct person_id, givennames || ' ' || surname as name from work_role_assignment natural join person_person order by name, person_id")) return termtools.render_select (name, faculty_members, default_staff, class_=class_)
[docs]def render_inst_options (cursor, values, staff_person_id, termcode): """Render a status selection input element. :param cursor: DB connection cursor. :param values: a dictionary containing the default values for 'inst', 'instcoun', and 'citizen' :param staff_person_id: the person whose terms should be included. :param termcode: a term code if the statuses should be limited to those available Returns an HTML <div> formatted with bootstrap for the institution and citizenship inputs. """ country_codes = get_distinct_inst_country_codes (cursor, staff_person_id, termcode) citizen_status = (("DOM", "Domestic"), ("INT", "International")) form_tuples = [ ('Previous institution (“*” matches any string):', html.input (type="text", name="inst", id="inst", size="21", value=values['inst'], class_="form-control inst"), "col-xs-5"), ('Previous institution country:', render_select ("instcoun", country_codes, value=values['instcoun'], blank=True, class_="form-control instcoun"), "col-xs-offset-1 col-xs-3"), ('Canadian citizenship status:', render_select ("citizen", citizen_status, value=values['citizen'], blank=True, class_="form-control citizen"), "col-xs-3"), ] return render_bootstrap_form_row(form_tuples, tail_class="bottom-buffer")
[docs]def render_plan_options(cursor, plan, staff_person_id, termcode, selected=[]): """Render a plan selection input element. :param cursor: DB connection cursor. :param plan: a dictionary containing the default values for 'inst', 'instcoun', and 'citizen' :param staff_person_id: the person whose terms should be included. :param termcode: a term code if the statuses should be limited to those available Returns an HTML <select> for selecting status values. """ plan_fieldnames = get_distinct_plans_codes (cursor, staff_person_id, termcode) select = render_multi_select('plans', plan_fieldnames, values=selected, class_="form-control plans") return select
@use_remote_identity @use_form_param @return_html def list_index_handler (cursor, remote_identity, form): """Application search form URL handler. Displays the application list form. If form submission values are provided, also displays the matching applications. **TODO: why doesn't this check for permissions? Should be in ['ADC', 'DIR', 'FAC']. I think it's OK because unauthorized people just won't find anything when they search.** """ term = form.optional_field_value ('term') if term is not None: term = termtools.fromCode (term) person_id = remote_identity.person_id default_term = termtools.fromDate ( () + timedelta (days=9*30)) if term is None else term term_select = render_term_select (cursor, "term", person_id, default_term=default_term, class_="term form-control") selected_term_code = default_term.code() state = form.optional_field_value ('state') or None state_select = render_status_select (cursor, "state", staff_person_id=person_id, termcode=selected_term_code, status=state, class_="form-control state") request = form.optional_field_value ('request') or None request_select = render_request_select (cursor, "request", default_staff=None, class_="request form-control") overdue_only = "overdue" in form overdue_only_control = html.label (render_checkbox ("overdue", overdue_only), ' Only show overdue applications') quantum_user = cursor.execute_required_value ("select exists (select from work_role_assignment where (role_id, person_id) = ('IQC', %(person_id)s))", person_id=person_id) quantum_only = "quantum" in form quantum_only_control = html.label (render_checkbox ("quantum", quantum_only), ' Only show quantum applications') inst_dict = {n : form.optional_field_value (n) for n in ('inst', 'instcoun', 'citizen')} inst_options = render_inst_options(cursor, inst_dict, person_id, selected_term_code) insts = None citizenship_codes = None plans = form.multiple_field_value('plans') plan_options = render_plan_options(cursor, plans, person_id, selected_term_code, selected=plans) plan_single_only = "singleplans" in form plan_multi_only = "multiplans" in form plan_single_only_control = html.label (render_checkbox("singleplans", plan_single_only), ' Only show single-plan applications') plan_multi_only_control = html.label (render_checkbox("multiplans", plan_multi_only), ' Only show multi-plan applications') plan_app_ids = None uwids = None if term is None: # Initial form request apps = None requests = None else: # Search for applications conditions = [] parameters = {} conditions.append ("from work_application_staff_lookup where (admit_term_id, staff_person_id) = (%(termcode)s, %(staff_person_id)s)") parameters['termcode'] = term.code () parameters['staff_person_id'] = person_id if state or overdue_only or quantum_only: where = [] if state is not None: where.append ("status_code = %(state)s") if overdue_only: where.append ("deadline < current_timestamp") if quantum_only: where.append ("(exists (select from (adm_appl_program natural join adm_appl_plan) as aap where (aap.uw_id, aap.appl_id) = (wasc.uw_id, wasc.appl_id) and plan_code in ('CSQID', 'CSQID3', 'CSQIM', 'PHYSQID', 'PHYSQID3', 'PHYSQID3Y1', 'PHYSQIM', 'AMQID', 'AMQIM', 'COQID', 'COQIM')) or exists (select from work_application_interest AS wai where (wai.uw_id, wai.appl_id) = (wasc.uw_id, wasc.appl_id) and faculty_interest_area in ('QUANCOMP', 'QNTMTHRY', 'QUANTUMCOM', 'QUANTCOM-E', 'QUANTCOM-T', 'QUANTUMCOM')))") conditions.append ("from work_application_status_current wasc where " + " and ".join (where)) parameters['state'] = state if request: conditions.append ("from work_application_request where requested_person_id = %(requested_person_id)s") parameters['requested_person_id'] = request if inst_dict['inst'] or inst_dict['instcoun']: insts = [i.ext_org_id for i in get_distinct_inst_ids (cursor, person_id, term.code (), inst_dict['inst'], inst_dict['instcoun'])] conditions.append ("from work_application natural join adm_std_academic where ext_org_id = any (%(insts)s)") parameters['insts'] = insts if inst_dict['citizen']: conditions.append ("from work_application natural join (select * from std_citizenship where country_code = 'CAN' and citizenship_code = any (%(citizenship_codes)s)) _") parameters['citizenship_codes'] = ['CAN-SP'] if inst_dict['citizen'] == 'INT' else ['CTZ', 'PRR'] if plans: conditions.append ("from adm_appl_program join adm_appl_plan using (uw_id, appl_id, program_order, program_as_of, program_sequence) where plan_code = any (%(plans)s)") parameters['plans'] = plans if plan_single_only != plan_multi_only: # XOR conditions.append ("from (select *, count(*) over (partition by uw_id, group_code, unit_code, admit_term_id) as count from work_application_term) t where count %s" % ("= 1" if plan_single_only else "> 1")) query = "with t as (%s) select appl_id from t natural join std_name_primary order by last_name, first_name, middle_name, uw_id, appl_id" % " intersect ".join ("(select uw_id, appl_id %s)" % c for c in conditions) apps = cursor.execute_values (query, **parameters) if apps is None: app_list = html.p () elif apps: apps = bulk_app_loader (cursor, apps) table_columns = [make_application_link_column ("../")] table_columns.extend (application_list_columns) table = render_sort_table (table_columns, apps) table["class"] += " col-xs-12 table" app_list = [ html.p ("%s applications found." % len (apps)), html.div (table, class_ = "row") ] else: app_list = html.p ('No matching applications found.') term_app = render_bootstrap_form_row ([ ('Term:', term_select, "col-xs-5"), ('Application State:', state_select, "col-xs-offset-1 col-xs-3"), ('Requested Supervisor:', request_select, "col-xs-3") ], tail_class="bottom-buffer") plan_options = render_bootstrap_form_row ([ ('Plans:', plan_options, "col-xs-12") ]) plan_checkboxes = render_bootstrap_form_row ([ (False, html.div (plan_single_only_control, class_="checkbox"), "col-xs-5"), (False, html.div (plan_multi_only_control, class_="checkbox"), "col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-5") ]) checkboxes = render_bootstrap_form_row ([ (False, html.div (overdue_only_control, class_="checkbox"), "col-xs-5"), (False, html.div (quantum_only_control, class_="checkbox"), "col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-5") if quantum_user else None ]) search_button = render_bootstrap_form_row ([(False, html.div(render_bootstrap_submit(" Search…")), "col-xs-12 text-center")]) return 'List Applications', [ html.div( html.p (html.a ('Main Menu', href="../")), html.p ('This page is for obtaining lists of applications meeting certain criteria. To search for a specific application, please use the ', html.a ('view search form', href="../view/"), '.'), render_bootstrap_form ([ term_app, inst_options, plan_options, plan_checkboxes, checkboxes, search_button ]), app_list, class_ = "main container") ]