Source code for uw.local.grad.db.unitapp

"""Application database access abstraction.

This module defines a class whose instances correspond to individual
graduate applications.  Methods are provided to pull various pieces of
information about the application from the database.

import datetime
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from ll.xist.ns import html

from uw.local import termtools
from uw.emailutils import emailaddr
from uw.web.html.join import html_join

from ..webui.list_render import format_citizenship

from .unitapp_get import get_app_rating, get_app_accept_counts, get_app_info, get_app_applicant, get_app_plan_info, get_student_citizenship, get_student_education_gpa, get_student_education_degree, get_student_education_attendance, get_student_education

genders = {
    'F': 'Female',
    'M': 'Male',

levels = {
    'GNL': "Graduate, Non-Degree",
    'M': "Master's",
    'D': "PhD",

attendance = {
    'P': "Part Time",
    'F': "Full Time",

[docs]class UnitApplication (object): """Class to represent a candidate application. Instances of this class represent candidate applications, corresponding to the table _grad.work_application. These are unique per candidate/unit/term. Methods are provided to access various aspects of the application stored in numerous tables. Many of the methods cache the values returned so multiple calls to the same method will not hit the database repeatedly. """ def __init__ (self, cursor, row): self.__cursor = cursor self.__uw_id = row.uw_id self.__appl_id = row.appl_id self.__group_code = row.group_code self.__unit_code = row.unit_code self.__status = row.status_code self.__statusseq = row.status_sequence self.__statusdesc = row.status_description self.__deadline = row.deadline self.__reason_code = row.deny_reason_code self.__other_apps = None self.__subplans = None self.__requested_supervisor = None self.__exchange_agreement =None self.__research_areas = None self.__title_components = None self.__applicant = None self.__phones = None self.__addresses = None self.__app_info = None self.__plan_info = None self.__reasondesc = None self.__gsohistory = None self.__conditions = None self.__adm_conditions = None self.__tests = None self.__student_tests = None self.__citizenship = None self.__student_education = None self.__languages = None self.__student_languages = None self.__employment = None self.__student_employment = None self.__finance = None self.__adm_finance = None self.__study_agreement = None self.__history = None self.__referees = None self.__rating = None self.__rating_loaded = False self.__counts = None self.__waitlist_count = None self.__accept_count = None @property def cursor (self): """Database cursor""" return self.__cursor @property def counts (self): """Named tuple with accepted and waitlist counts. """ return self.__counts @counts.setter def counts (self, value): self.__counts = value @property def uw_id (self): """UW ID number associated with the application :rtype: string """ return '%08d' % self.__uw_id @property def appl_id (self): """Application id for the application :rtype: string """ return self.__appl_id @property def admit_term (self): """Application's admit term :rtype: string """ return self.app_info.admit_term_id @property def group_code (self): """Application's group code for the applied program (e.g. 'MAT' for Mathematics). :rtype: string """ return self.__group_code @property def unit_code (self): """Application's unit_code like 'CS'. :rtype: string """ return self.__unit_code @property def status (self): """Application's current status :rtype: string """ return self.__status @property def statusseq (self): """Application's current status sequence (a number assosciated with each status) :rtype: int """ return self.__statusseq @property def statusdesc (self): """Application's current status description :rtype: string """ return self.__statusdesc @property def faculty_can_waitlist (self): """Determine if faculty can waitlist this application based on its state. :return: true if faculty can waitlist, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ return self.status in ['NEW', 'HLD', 'INR', 'CIR']
[docs] def faculty_can_accept (self, view_state): """Determine if faculty can accept this application based on its state. :param view_state: the current opinion of the faculty member of this application. :return: whether the faculty member can accept this application. :rtype: bool The current opinion is needed for the case of the FAC state ("Resolving Supervision"). In this state, a waitlisting can be upgraded to an offer but other than that new offers are not allowed. """ return self.status in ['CIR'] or self.status in ['FAC'] and view_state == 'WTL'
@property def deadline (self): return self.__deadline
[docs] def find_due_days (self, now=None): """Find how many days from now until the current workflow deadline. :param now: optionally use this date instead of today. Essentially, computes the current workflow deadline minus the date now. So positive results mean the deadline is that many days in the future while negative results mean the application is overdue for a state change. """ deadline = self.deadline if deadline == datetime.datetime.max: return None if now is None: now = () return ( () - now).days
[docs] def format_deadline (self, now=None): """Format the workflow deadline relative to today in a readable format. :param now: optionally use this date instead of today. :return: Time until/since workflow deadline, or None. Format the time from now until the current workflow deadline as an English number of days, or how many days overdue. If there is no workflow deadline, return None. """ diff = self.find_due_days (now) if diff is None: return None elif diff == 0: return 'Due today' elif diff == 1: return '1 day' elif diff == -1: return 'Overdue 1 day' elif diff < 0: return 'Overdue %s days' % -diff else: return '%s days' % diff
def __get_accept_counts (self): """Gets and sets the unitapp waitlist and accept counts. :rtype: None """ if self.__counts is None: self.__counts = get_app_accept_counts(self.cursor, self.where, self.vars)[0] self.__waitlist_count = self.__counts.waitlist_count self.__accept_count = self.__counts.accept_count def __get_plan_info(self): """Gets the plan information (plan_code and plan_transcript_description) and sets it in the unitapp. :rtype: None """ self.__plan_info = get_app_plan_info(self.cursor, self.where, self.vars)[0] @property def waitlist_count (self): """Returns the number of faculty members that have waitlisted the application. :rtype: int (>= 0) """ if self.__waitlist_count is None: self.__get_accept_counts () return self.__waitlist_count @property def accept_count (self): """Returns the number of faculty members that have accepted the application. :rtype: int (>= 0) """ if self.__accept_count is None: self.__get_accept_counts () return self.__accept_count
[docs] def format_accept_counts (self): """Returns an html list with the formated accepted and waitlist count as such: (<b>1A</b>, 3W). Used for displaying the waitlist and accepted counts in tables. """ wc = self.waitlist_count ac = self.accept_count wc = "%sW" % wc if wc else None ac = html.b ("%sA" % ac) if ac else None result = html_join ([ac, wc], ', ') return [' (', result, ')'] if result else None
@property def other_apps (self): """Returns a tuple of all app_ids and term_code other applications an applicant has. """ if self.__other_apps is None: rows = self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select r.appl_id, r.admit_term_id from work_application as l join work_application_term as r using (uw_id, group_code, unit_code) where (l.uw_id, l.appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) and r.appl_id <> l.appl_id order by r.admit_term_id", **self.vars) self.__other_apps = tuple (row._replace (admit_term_id=termtools.fromCode (row.admit_term_id)) for row in rows) return self.__other_apps @property def vars (self): """Returns a dictionary of properties that identify the application to the database. This is the uw_id and the app_id. """ return {'uw_id': self.uw_id, 'appl_id': self.appl_id} @property def where (self): """Returns a string indented to be filled in with the variables from the vars property for use in database strings. """ return "((wa.uw_id, wa.appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s))" @property def subplans (self): """Returns a tuple of the titles of subplans """ if self.__subplans is None: self.__subplans = tuple (self.cursor.execute_values ("select subplan_title from work_application_subplan as wa where %s" % self.where, **self.vars)) return self.__subplans @property def requested_supervisor (self): """Returns a tuple of the names of the application's requested supervisors """ if self.__requested_supervisor is None: self.__requested_supervisor = tuple (self.cursor.execute_values ("select adm_comment_text from adm_appl_program_comment where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) and adm_comment_code='SUPR'", **self.vars)) return self.__requested_supervisor @property def exchange_agreement (self): """Returns a tuple of the application's exchange agreement """ if self.__exchange_agreement is None: self.__exchange_agreement = tuple (self.cursor.execute_values ("select adm_comment_text from adm_appl_program_comment where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) and adm_comment_code='GEX'", **self.vars)) return self.__exchange_agreement @property def research_areas (self): """Returns a tuple of the research areas of intrest. """ if self.__research_areas is None: # original had * rather than wa.* ?! self.__research_areas = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select wfia.*, wai.faculty_interest_area as checked from work_application as wa join work_faculty_interest_area as wfia using (group_code, unit_code) natural left join work_application_interest as wai where %s" % self.where, **self.vars)) return self.__research_areas @property def title_components (self): """Returns a tuple of the application title consisting of (in order): uw_id, full name, gender, citizenship, attendance, admit_term, and plan_info. This is primarly used to display application titles for the view pages. """ if self.__title_components is None: self.__title_components = tuple ([ self.uw_id, self.names, genders.get (self.applicant.gender_code, self.applicant.gender_code), str (format_citizenship (self)), attendance.get (self.app_info.approved_load, self.app_info.approved_load) or 'NONE', self.admit_term.description (), self.plan_code or 'NONE', ]) return self.__title_components @property def title (self): """Return a string with title_components joined with em-dashes. """ return '—'.join (self.title_components) @property def copypaste_summary (self): """Return a string that is used when copying the title. Same as the title property but joined with '--' instead of em-dashes. """ return '--'.join (self.title_components) @property def applicant (self): """Returns a named tuple with gso applicant information including: name, gender, birth, address and contact infomation """ if self.__applicant is None: self.__applicant = get_app_applicant(self.cursor, self.where, self.vars)[0] return self.__applicant @applicant.setter def applicant(self, value): self.__applicant = value @property def names (self): """Returns the applicant's full name in the format "Lastname, Firstname Middlename (Preferredname)" """ applicant = self.applicant givennames = applicant.first_name if applicant.middle_name: givennames += ' ' + applicant.middle_name if applicant.preferred_name and applicant.preferred_name != givennames: givennames += ' (' + applicant.preferred_name + ')' return applicant.last_name + ', ' + givennames @property def phones (self): """Return the applicant's telephone numbers. """ if self.__phones is None: self.__phones = self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from std_phone natural join uw_phone_type where uw_id = %(uw_id)s order by phone_type_description", **self.vars) return self.__phones @property def addresses (self): """Return the applicant's mailing addresses. """ if self.__addresses is None: self.__addresses = self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from std_address join uw_address_type using (address_type_code) where uw_id = %(uw_id)s order by address_type_description", **self.vars) return self.__addresses @property def app_info (self): """Return a named tuple of miscellaneous information like compliation document, reason_description for status etc. """ if self.__app_info is None: self.__app_info = get_app_info(self.cursor, self.where, self.vars)[0] return self.__app_info @app_info.setter def app_info (self, value): self.__app_info = value @property def gsohistory (self): """Return a tuple of named tuples containing information about each status change in the gso history. """ if self.__gsohistory is None: self.__gsohistory = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select aaph.*, program_action_description, program_reason_description, plan_code, plan_transcript_description from work_application as wa join adm_appl_program_history as aaph USING (uw_id, appl_id) natural join adm_appl left join adm_appl_plan USING (uw_id, appl_id, program_order, program_as_of, program_sequence) natural left join uw_program_action as gd natural left join uw_program_reason left join pps_plan using (plan_code) where %s order by program_as_of desc, appl_id" % self.where, **self.vars)) return self.__gsohistory @property def adm_conditions (self): """Return a tuple of named tuples contraining information about gso requirement(s) to enter the next status """ if self.__adm_conditions is None: self.__adm_conditions = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from adm_appl_condition natural left join uw_condition natural left join uw_condition_status where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) order by condition_code", **self.vars)) return self.__adm_conditions @property def student_tests (self): """Return a tuple of tuples containing information about test information. """ if self.__student_tests is None: result = self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from (select distinct on (uw_id, test_type_code, test_component_code, test_date, test_source_code) * from adm_std_test natural left join lateral (select test_type_code, test_component_code, test_score, percentile, scale_date from test_percentile where scale_date <= test_date) tp where uw_id = any (%(uw_ids)s) order by uw_id, test_type_code, test_component_code, test_date, test_source_code, scale_date desc) t order by test_type_code = 'TOEFL' desc, test_type_code = 'GRE' desc, test_type_code, test_date, test_component_code", uw_ids = [self.__uw_id]) self.__student_tests = tuple ((test, tuple (component)) for test, component in groupby (result, attrgetter ('test_type_code', 'test_date'))) return self.__student_tests @property def citizenship (self): if self.__citizenship is None: self.__citizenship = get_student_citizenship (self.cursor, [self.__uw_id]).get (self.__uw_id) return self.__citizenship @property def student_education (self): """Return a dictionary that maps uw_id to a tuple of tuples which contain a namedtuple of institution information and the list of dictionaries obtained from the corresponding attendance. """ if self.__student_education is None: education = get_student_education(self.cursor, [self.__uw_id]) self.__student_education = education return self.__student_education @property def student_languages (self): """Return a tuple of tuples containing preferred languages by the applicant """ if self.__student_languages is None: self.__student_languages = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from adm_std_language natural join iso_639_3_language where uw_id = any (%(uw_ids)s) order by language_code", uw_ids = [self.__uw_id])) return self.__student_languages @property def joinlanguages (self): """Return a string of the preferred languages for the applicant """ return ", ".join (row.language for row in self.__languages) @property def student_employment (self): """Return a tuple of named tuples containing past work information (e.g. employer, title). """ if self.__student_employment is None: self.__student_employment = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from adm_std_employment natural join uw_country where uw_id = any (%(uw_ids)s) order by end_date desc", uw_ids = [self.__uw_id])) return self.__student_employment @property def adm_finance (self): """Return a tuple of tuples containing information about funding sources. """ if self.__adm_finance is None: self.__adm_finance = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from adm_appl_program_financial_aid_history natural left join uw_aid_category natural join uw_aid_status where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) and aid_status_code <> 'P' order by aid_category_description", **self.vars)) return self.__adm_finance @property def study_agreement (self): """Returns a tuple of the application's exchange agreement """ if self.__study_agreement is None: self.__study_agreement = tuple (self.cursor.execute_values ("select study_agreement_description from adm_appl_study_agreement natural join uw_study_agreement where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s)", **self.vars)) if not self.__study_agreement: self.__study_agreement = tuple (self.cursor.execute_values ("select adm_comment_text from adm_appl_program_comment where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) and adm_comment_code='GIA'", **self.vars)) return self.__study_agreement @property def history (self): """Return a tuple of tuples containing information about the status changes throughout the application's history. """ if self.__history is None: self.__history = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from work_application as wa natural join work_application_status natural join work_application_status_code where %s order by eff_time desc" % self.where, **self.vars)) return self.__history @property def referees (self): """Return a tuple of tuples containing information about referal information. """ if self.__referees is None: self.__referees = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from work_application as wa natural join adm_appl_referee join uw_country on (country_code = referee_country) where %s order by referee_seq" % self.where, **self.vars)) return self.__referees @property def rating (self): """Return a named tuple for the rating for the application (e.g. A-C(+-), CWD) containing rating_code and other rating information. """ if not self.__rating_loaded: rating = get_app_rating(self.cursor, self.where, self.vars)[0] self.__rating = rating if rating and rating.rating_code else None self.__rating_loaded = True return self.__rating @rating.setter def rating (self, value): self.__rating = value @property def reason_code (self): """Return the reason code if applicable """ return self.__reason_code @property def reasondesc (self): """Return the reason description for being in the current state, if applicable. """ if self.__reasondesc is None and self.reason_code is not None: self.__reasondesc = self.cursor.execute_required_value ("select program_reason_description from uw_program_reason where (program_action_code, program_reason_code) = ('DENY', %(reason_code)s)", reason_code=self.reason_code) return self.__reasondesc @property def plan_code (self): """Return the plan_code (like CSM). """ if self.__plan_info is None: self.__get_plan_info() return self.__plan_info.plan_code @plan_code.setter def plan_code (self, value): self.__plan_info = value @property def plan_transcript_description (self): """Return the PeopleSoft plan_code transcript description """ if self.__plan_info is None: self.__get_plan_info() return self.__plan_info.plan_transcript_description
[docs] def find_supervisors (self): """Returns a list of the supervisor(s) person ids for the given application, can be of arbitrary length. """ return self.cursor.execute_values("select faculty_person_id from work_application_faculty_acceptance as wa where %s and acceptance_cancelled is null" % self.where, **self.vars)
[docs] def find_authorized (self, roles): """Find the individuals authorized for a given set of roles with respect to this application. """ result = set () for role in roles: result.update (self.cursor.execute_values ("select person_id from work_role_assignment where (group_code, unit_code, role_id) = (%(group)s, %(unit)s, %(role_id)s)", group=self.group_code, unit=self.unit_code, role_id=role)) return result
[docs] def find_concerned (self, include_unviewed = True): """Find the faculty members concerned with this application. This means the ones available through the work_application_faculty_interest view that were not expressed as not intrested. :param include_unviewed: Only include people that have not viewed the application """ where = self.where + " AND " + ("(view_state <> 'NOI' or view_state is NULL)" if include_unviewed else "view_state <> 'NOI'") result = set (self.cursor.execute_values (("SELECT distinct faculty_person_id from work_application_faculty_interest as wa LEFT JOIN work_application_faculty USING (uw_id, appl_id, faculty_person_id)" "WHERE %s") % where, **self.vars)) return result
[docs] def find_interested (self): """Find the faculty members interested in this application. This means those who have expressed an opinion of "Interested" or who have waitlisted or accepted the application. This is different from the concept captured by the work_application_faculty_interest view, which includes any application that a faculty member should be aware of. """ return set (self.cursor.execute_values ("select faculty_person_id from work_application_faculty as wa where %s and view_state in ('INT', 'WTL', 'ACC')" % self.where, **self.vars))
[docs] def base_url (self, request_uri=''): """Get the base URL for this application. This is the URL of the main page for this application. **TODO: get base URL from CGI variables instead of hardcoding.** """ return urljoin (request_uri, "view/%s/" % self.appl_id)
[docs] def director_email (self): """Get the email address of the Director for this application. This is obtained from the work_application_instance record for the Unit which owns this application. """ result = self.cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select * from work_application_instance where (group_code, unit_code) = (%(group_code)s, %(unit_code)s)", group=self.group_code, unit=self.unit_code) if result is None: return None else: return emailaddr (result.director_email_name, result.director_email_addr)
[docs] def level_code (self): """Get the deemed level of this application. """ return self.cursor.execute_required_value ("select appl_academic_level from adm_appl where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s)", **self.vars)
[docs] def applicant_email (self): """Get the applicant's email address. """ result = self.cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select first_name, last_name, applicant_email from work_application as wa join std_student using (uw_id) join std_name_preferred using (uw_id) join adm_std_email using (uw_id) where %s" % self.where, **self.vars) if result is None: return None else: return emailaddr ('%s %s' % (result.first_name, result.last_name), result.applicant_email)
[docs] def get_faculty_information (self, person_id=None): """Get faculty-related information about this application. :param person_id: the identity of the faculty member whose information should be returned, or None to retrieve only the waitlist and acceptance information. :return: a dictionary containing several elements: * 'view_state': the faculty member's opinion of the application, as a row from _grad.work_application_faculty_state. * 'recommended_to': the people to whom the faculty member has recommended this application. * 'recommended_by': the people who have recommended this application to the faculty member. * 'could_recommend_to': the people to whom the faculty member could recommend this application. * 'waitlist': the people who have waitlisted this application. * 'accepted_by': the people who have indicated their acceptance of this application. """ def where (field): return "(uw_id, appl_id, %s) = (%%(uw_id)s, %%(appl_id)s, %%(person_id)s)" % field result = {} vars = self.vars if person_id is not None: vars['person_id'] = person_id result['view_state'] = self.cursor.execute_optional_tuple ("select (t.vs).* from (select work_application_faculty_get_view_state (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s, %(person_id)s)) as t (vs)", **vars) result['recommended_to'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from work_faculty_recommendation as wfr join person_person as up on (wfr.recommendee_person_id = up.person_id) where %s order by up.givennames, up.surname, up.person_id" % where ('recommender_person_id'), **vars)) result['recommended_by'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from work_faculty_recommendation as wfr join person_person as up on wfr.recommender_person_id = up.person_id where %s order by up.givennames, up.surname, up.person_id" % where ('recommendee_person_id'), **vars)) result['could_recommend_to'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select person_id, givennames || ' ' || surname as name from work_application as wa natural join work_role_assignment natural join person_person where person_id not in (select recommendee_person_id from work_faculty_recommendation where (uw_id, appl_id, recommender_person_id) = (%%(uw_id)s, %%(appl_id)s, %%(person_id)s)) and role_id='FAC' and person_id <> %%(person_id)s and %s order by givennames, surname, person_id" % self.where, **vars)) result['requested_supervisor'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select person_id, givennames || ' ' || surname as name from work_application_request left join person_person on work_application_request.requested_person_id = person_person.person_id where (uw_id, appl_id) = (%(uw_id)s, %(appl_id)s) order by givennames, surname, person_id", **vars)) result['faculty_members'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select distinct person_id, givennames || ' ' || surname as name from work_role_assignment natural join person_person order by name, person_id")) result['waitlist'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_values ("select faculty_person_id from work_application_faculty as wa where %s and view_state = 'WTL'" % self.where, **vars)) result['accepted_by'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select * from work_application_faculty_acceptance as wa join person_person as up on (wa.faculty_person_id = up.person_id) where acceptance_cancelled is null and %s order by up.givennames, up.surname, up.person_id" % self.where, **vars)) return result
[docs] def get_comments (self): """Get the comments for this application. :return: a dictionary with two elements: 'comments' maps to the regular comments and 'comments-internal' maps to the "internal" comments visible to a more restricted set of users. """ result = {} vars = self.vars result['comments'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select distinct on (comment_id) * from work_application_faculty_comment as wa join person_person as up on wa.faculty_person_id = up.person_id natural join (SELECT comment_id, MIN(comment_time) as original_comment_time, MAX(comment_time) as edit_comment_time FROM work_application_faculty_comment group by comment_id) as mm where %s and not comment_internal order by comment_id ASC, comment_time DESC" % self.where, **vars)) result['comments-internal'] = tuple (self.cursor.execute_tuples ("select distinct on (comment_id) * from work_application_faculty_comment as wa join person_person as up on wa.faculty_person_id = up.person_id natural join (SELECT comment_id, MIN(comment_time) as original_comment_time, MAX(comment_time) as edit_comment_time FROM work_application_faculty_comment group by comment_id) as mm where %s and comment_internal order by comment_id ASC, comment_time DESC" % self.where, **vars)) return result
[docs] def set_faculty_opinion (self, person_id, view_state): """Set a faculty member's opinion of this application. :param person_id: the identity of the faculty member whose opinion should be recorded. :param view_state: the new opinion, an existing value in column _grad.work_application_faculty_state.view_state. """ # Ensure that user is recorded as having seen this application self.get_faculty_information (person_id) # Update their opinion of this application self.cursor.execute_none ("update work_application_faculty as wa set view_state=%%(view_state)s where %s and faculty_person_id = %%(person_id)s" % self.where, person_id=person_id, view_state=view_state, **self.vars)